Tender Notice for constru   ( Read more... )


Auction Notice for Cantee   ( Read more... )


Tender Notice 08-05-2023   ( Read more... )


Free Legal Aid Facility t   ( Read more... )

We have 251320 cases in our database.

10262 Pending Cases District Courts, Swat

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Tender Notice for construction of Family Courts and Waiting Sheds.   ( Read more... )


Auction Notice for Canteen   ( Read more... )


Tender Notice 08-05-2023   ( Read more... )

Judicial Officers availing leave
S.No Judicial Officer Court / Designation Period of Leave Leave Type
1 Sabeena Jadoon Civil Judge-II/JFC, Kabal 07-05-2024 to 04-08-2024 Other Leave
2 Syed Ahmad Mujtaba Kamal CJ/IQ-I-JM Khwazakhela Swat 20-07-2024 to 29-07-2024 Other Leave
3 Fida Muhammad AD&SJ-Bahrain 27-07-2024 to 27-07-2024 Casual Leave
4 Arshad Saeed Civil Judge-I/JM, Kabal 27-07-2024 to 27-07-2024 Casual Leave

Suit Documents

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Courts Calender

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Court Timing

Court timing changes during the year

Syed Zamarrud Shah

Honourable District & Session Judge/Zilla Qazi Swat.

  • Supreme Court of Pakistan
  • Peshawar High Court Peshawar
  • Peshawar High Court MIngora Bench Darul Qaza Swat
  • Pakistan Lawsite
  • Lahore High Court


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District Courts Swat, KP, Pakistan

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